Our Work
Our Beliefs Our Leaders Our Work
(a) Evangelism (Preaching the Gospel): (Matthew 28:19-20; I Thess. 1:7-8).
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God on the river before baptizing New Converts |
We have several methods that we use in reaching out to the unreached people in our rural villages and the entire community in our sub county.
People listening to the word of God on the Crusade ground. |
to House or Door to Door method: This is the one we are using
more especially in the rural villages. It is cheap and has good results that
are seen. Many of the believers we have in our church are a result of this method
of Evangelism.
out to the un believers with a word of prayer: This is also another
method we visit many homes of un believers, when they welcome us we introduce
our selves, share the word of God to them and after sharing the word of God
with them, we ask them do you have a specific prayer request that you would
wish to pray for? If they say yes, we pray for it and tell them to believe God
to answer that prayer request and in the end again that family will call the
church members or the follow up visits, families like those end up accepting
Christ, Baptised and added to the Church of Christ.
In this Sub county of Harugongo there are many cannibals, witch
doctors, wizards and devil worshipers and some are of the traditional
religions and are also involved in worshiping Satan. So we are appealing
to support our Reaching out team of 20 Men and 5 women who are
preaching the Gospel to the tribes of different beliefs and many have
come to know and accept Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Some
of them are even eating the human flesh as you can see in this picture.
(b) Edification: (Eph. 4:11-16; Matt. 28:20).
Training Church Leaders on the great Commission and Church Planting |
Training the Believers who are hungry for the word of God.
(c) Benevolence: (Acts 4:34-35; 11:27-30; Rom. 15:25-27).
Feeding the Children in
our Orphanage Home.